
Deep Cleaning Checklist for House: A Comprehensive Guide

If you’re planning to deep clean your house, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. That’s why having a checklist can be incredibly helpful. A deep cleaning checklist for the house ensures that you don’t miss any important tasks and can help you stay organized throughout the process.

A deep cleaning checklist typically includes tasks beyond your regular cleaning routine, such as cleaning rooms, living room, and bedroom, dusting light fixtures, and wiping down walls. It’s important to tackle these tasks periodically to maintain a clean and healthy home environment.

To create your own deep cleaning checklist, you can start by breaking down your house into different areas, such as the kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms, and living areas.

Then, list out the tasks that need to be completed in each area, such as cleaning appliances, scrubbing tile grout, and washing windows. By breaking it down into smaller, more manageable tasks, you can make the deep cleaning process feel less daunting and more achievable.

By following a checklist, you can ensure that you’re covering all the necessary areas and not forgetting anything important.

So why not give it a try?

Preparation for Deep Cleaning Your House

Before you start deep cleaning your house, it’s important to prepare yourself and gather all the necessary supplies. This will help you work more efficiently and save time in the long run.

Gathering Cleaning Supplies

Here’s a list of items you may need:

deep cleaning checklist for house
  • Disposable rags, scrub pads, or towels that you don’t mind throwing away
  • Two buckets: one for the dirty water and another for clean water
  • Your favorite degreaser, dish soap, and cleaning spray
  • A pair of rubber gloves
  • Cleaning solutions, such as vinegar and baking soda
  • Paper towels and cleaning cloths
  • Scrub brushes and sponges
  • Broom and dustpan, mop and bucket, and vacuum cleaner
  • Trash bags

Make sure you have all of these items before you start cleaning. This will save you time and frustration later on.

Room by Room Deep Cleaning

When it comes to deep cleaning your house, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. A room-by-room approach can help you stay organized and ensure that you don’t miss any important areas.

Here’s a breakdown of how to tackle each room in your home.


The kitchen is often the heart of the home, but it’s also one of the most challenging rooms to deep clean. Start by decluttering and removing all items from your countertops.

Then, wipe down your cabinets and drawers, paying particular attention to the handles and knobs. Clean your oven, stovetop, and microwave thoroughly, and don’t forget to clean the refrigerator inside and out. Finally, sweep and mop the floors, and you’ll have a sparkling clean kitchen.


The bathroom is another room that requires special attention when deep cleaning. Start by removing all items from your countertops and medicine cabinet. Then, scrub your shower and bathtub, and clean the toilet inside and out.

Don’t forget to clean your sink and mirror, and wipe down your cabinets and drawers. Finally, sweep and mop the floors, and you’ll have a fresh and clean bathroom.


Your bedroom is a space where you spend a lot of time, so it’s essential to keep it clean and tidy. Start by decluttering and removing any items that don’t belong in your bedroom.

Then, dust all surfaces, including your nightstands, dressers, and lamps. Vacuum or sweep the floors, and don’t forget to wash your bedding and curtains.

Living Room

The living room is a space where you entertain guests and spend time with your family, so it’s essential to keep it clean and comfortable.

Start by decluttering and removing any items that don’t belong in your living room. Then, dust all surfaces, including your coffee table, bookshelves, and entertainment center. Vacuum or sweep the floors, and don’t forget to clean your upholstery and throw pillows.

Dining Room

The dining room is another space where you entertain guests, so it’s essential to keep it clean and inviting. Start by decluttering and removing any items that don’t belong in your dining room.

Then, dust all surfaces, including your table, chairs, and china cabinet. Vacuum or sweep the floors, and don’t forget to clean your table linens and placemats.

Home Office

If you work from home or have a home office, it’s essential to keep it clean and organized. Start by decluttering and removing any items that don’t belong in your home office.

Then, dust all surfaces, including your desk, bookshelves, and filing cabinets. Vacuum or sweep the floors, and don’t forget to clean your computer and keyboard.

Cleaning Techniques

When it comes to deep cleaning your house, you need to have the proper techniques. Here are some of the most effective cleaning techniques you can use:

deep cleaning checklist for house


Dusting is an essential part of deep cleaning your house. It helps to remove dust, dirt, and other debris that can accumulate in your home. When dusting, start from the top and work your way down. This way, you can ensure that you don’t miss any areas.

To effectively dust your home, use a microfiber cloth or a feather duster. These tools are great for capturing dust and other debris. You can also use a vacuum cleaner with a dusting attachment to remove dust from hard-to-reach areas.


Vacuuming is another important cleaning technique that you need to use when deep cleaning your house. It helps to remove dirt, dust, and other debris from your floors and carpets. When vacuuming, make sure to use the right attachment for the job.

For carpets, use a beater bar attachment, which can help to loosen dirt and debris. For hard floors, use a hard floor attachment, which can help to prevent scratches. You can also use a crevice tool attachment to clean hard-to-reach areas.


Scrubbing is a great way to remove tough stains and grime from your surfaces. When scrubbing, use a cleaning solution that is appropriate for the surface you are cleaning. For example, use a mild detergent for painted walls and a stronger cleaning solution for tile grout.

You can use a scrub brush or a sponge to scrub surfaces. For tough stains, let the cleaning solution sit for a few minutes before scrubbing. This will help to loosen the stain and make it easier to remove.


Mopping is a great way to clean your floors and remove dirt and grime. When mopping, use a cleaning solution that is appropriate for the type of floor you have. For example, use a mild detergent for hardwood floors and a stronger cleaning solution for tile floors.

You can use a traditional mop or a steam mop to clean your floors. Make sure to wring out the mop before using it to prevent excess water from damaging your feet.

Safety Measures

When it comes to deep cleaning your house, there are a few safety measures you should take to protect yourself and your family. Here are some important things to keep in mind:

Use Protective Gear

Wearing protective gear can help you avoid inhaling harmful chemicals or getting them on your skin. Consider wearing gloves, a face mask, and eye protection when using cleaning products. This is especially important if you have allergies or sensitive skin.

Ventilate the Area

Make sure to open windows and doors to increase ventilation while cleaning. This will help to reduce the concentration of cleaning chemicals in the air. You can also use fans to circulate the air and help remove any fumes.

Read Labels

Always read the labels on cleaning products before using them. This will help you understand any safety precautions you need to take, such as wearing gloves or avoiding contact with eyes. It will also help you understand how to use the product for maximum effectiveness properly.

Keep Children and Pets Away

It’s important to keep children and pets away from the area you are cleaning. Many cleaning products can be harmful if ingested, and some can cause skin irritation or breathing problems. Store cleaning products in a locked cabinet or high shelf to prevent accidental ingestion.

Don’t Mix Chemicals

Never mix different cleaning products together. This can create dangerous chemical reactions and release harmful gases. Always use one product at a time and follow the instructions carefully.

Finishing Touches

After completing a deep cleaning of your house, it’s time to add the finishing touches. These small details can make a big difference in how your home looks and feels. Here are some simple tips to help you add those final touches and take your clean home to the next level.

deep cleaning checklist for house

Add Some Fragrance

To make your home smell fresh and clean, consider adding some fragrance. You can use essential oils, candles, or air fresheners to add a pleasant scent to your home.

Some popular scents for the home include lavender, lemon, and peppermint. Be sure to choose a scent that you enjoy and that complements the overall feel of your home.

Fluff Up Your Pillows

Fluffing up your pillows can make a big difference in how your home looks and feels. After cleaning your living room or bedroom, take a few minutes to fluff up your pillows and arrange them neatly on your couch or bed. This simple step can make your home look more inviting and comfortable.

Add Some Greenery

Adding some plants or flowers to your home can help bring life and color to your space. Consider adding a few potted plants or a vase of fresh flowers to your living room, kitchen, or bedroom. Not only will they add a pop of color, but plants can also help purify the air in your home.

Polish Your Surfaces

After deep cleaning your home, take a few minutes to polish your surfaces. Use a microfiber cloth and a gentle cleaner to polish your countertops, coffee table, and other surfaces. This will help remove any streaks or smudges and leave your home looking shiny and new.

Final Inspection

Before you finish, take a few minutes to do a final inspection. Walk through your home and check for any missed spots or areas that need a little extra attention. This final step will help ensure that your home is truly clean and ready for you to enjoy.


You have completed your deep cleaning checklist for your house. By now, your house should be sparkling clean and fresh. Remember, deep cleaning your house is an important task that should be done at least once or twice a year to maintain a healthy living environment.


What order should I clean my house in?

It is recommended to clean your house from top to bottom, starting with the ceilings, walls, and windows. Then, move on to the furniture, floors, and baseboards. This will help prevent dust and dirt from settling on previously cleaned surfaces.

What is the daily 6 cleaning list?

The daily 6 cleaning list includes making the bed, wiping down kitchen counters, sweeping or vacuuming floors, cleaning dishes, wiping down bathroom surfaces, and picking up clutter. These tasks can help keep your house tidy and organized daily.

What is needed to deep clean a house?

To deep clean a house, you will need some essential cleaning supplies such as disposable rags, scrub pads or towels, two buckets (one for dirty water and another for clean water), your favorite degreaser, dish soap, and cleaning spray. You may also need a pair of rubber gloves to protect your hands.

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